Wednesday, 21 January 2015

B & W Zine

SO, These illustrations are from a little zine I made in about 4 days. (I was going for 3 but my housemates had a buffy marathon) I need to test myself, train myself back up and mostly regain some of the fun that stress has been stealing.
I've combined inks and pencil here for my lines but I still need to find a process to show their personalities better in their digital state. I'm thinking layers and multiply. I haven't had a night out with them in a long while.

The b&w element just allowed me to focus on the lines and process more as well as getting closer to the ink feel. I am a big fan of crazy contrast b&w fun.

I had a bit of a 'face ban' in my illustrations for a while as my face styles are influenced by anything and everything and differed drastically but I feel like the mask kind of bypasses it by not letting you see the eyes. 

Below are a bunch of initial sketches and the inspirations involved. 


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